Career Coaching is about enabling you to reach your career goals.
Do you want to be a CEO?
Own your own business?
Become a millionaire?
Work freelance?
Improve your work-life balance?
Enjoy working as a stay-at-home Mum/Dad?
Career Coaching helps you to understand what your really want by getting you in touch with your values. It’s about clarifying your goals, researching, planning action and then DOING. Career Coaching is driven by the alliance you establish with your Coach as well as YOU being accountable for the effort and time you put into achieving your ideal career and work/life balance.
Career and Post-16/Post-18 Course Profiling Brochure for Effective Career Decision Making
Sample Saville Consulting MY SELF Career Area Selection Profile
Sample Morrisby Profile Abilities and Personality Traits Career and Course Selection Profile