Stay Tuned! Mark Your Calendar! SUPERvision Conference on Wednesday, October 1st, 2025 - Immerse yourself in a unique experience designed to inspire reflection and development. || The BMC faculty provide ICF Levels one, two, three and CCE coach training programmes globally both face-to-face and via an interactive webinar. We also specialise in executive, leadership and organisational coaching for individuals and teams. All of our programmes are delivered in an innovative experiential style.

BMC Vision, Mission and Values



To passionately enable the potential of people and organisations globally whilst having a positive transformational impact upon the world.


As a team, we are committed to effectively facilitate the development of people and organisations through our products and services, ensuring the highest quality of delivery of psychometrics, experiential learning, consulting and coaching.


Client Centric

  • BMC are committed to designing bespoke programmes and delivery modes to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Inclusive and Holistic

  • BMC believe in adopting a holistic approach to ‘enable potential’ of all people and organisations globally.  This approach touches people in every element of their lives and encourages them to focus on opportunities for positive transformation and fulfilment.


  • The experience of every client is rooted in clear communication, transparency and integrity.  The basis for establishing this relationship with our clients is trust.  As members of Association for Coaching (AC), International Coach Federation (ICF) and European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) we abide by the ethical standards set out in their codes of practice.

At BECKETT MCINROY / CoachME, we know that EDIB is an ongoing leaning and action process that is emergent rather than achieved. As a global organisation, we strive to stake respectfully abreast of changing perspectives and practices on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging with all forms of difference: race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, class, physical and cognitive differences, culture, as well as other differing identities and social location backgrounds. We aspire to model the CoachME values of trust, inclusivity, client centricity, a relational systemic transformational focus and a holistic approach to collective learning.

We recognise that issues of marginalisation and systemic oppression will be different in different geographical locations and we support our faculty and partners to address what equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging issues are relevant to our various clients on public and inhouse programmes of training, SUPERvision, mentoring, coaching and leadership development.

We commit to staying abreast of research, being extended professionals as practitioner researchers together, and addressing how privilege and systemic bias may inadvertently show up in our course material, administration, relationships, and course environments.

In the CoachME Model through transition planning, we work with setbacks and dependencies whilst also envisioning the outcomes that our world needs. We engage in an ongoing effort to increase the diversity of our team, faculty, and students. We will strive to remain conscious and recognise our blind spots as we work to identify and correct the lack of inclusivity of marginalised peoples and the dynamics of dominant culture privilege that have dominated the coaching space with specific emphasis on our programmes in particular.

We know that doing our part to reduce systems of oppression requires deep democracy, safe spaces, time, compassion, spiritual warriorship, and fierce courage. This involves working on ourselves as well as collaborating with others. We must get acquainted with our blind spots, biases, our shadows, and discomfort. By increasing our awareness of the parts of us that may uphold systems of oppressive power or privilege where racism and discrimination can thrive, we can choose change. This requires increasing our awareness and responsibility to address issues of systemic oppression and other forms of discrimination in our work, communities, and so forth. Creating brave and compassionate spaces for systemic oppression to be named, discussed, for experiences to be shared, and for taking ongoing organisational and personal responsibility for change is paramount. We will seek out the experience of marginalised communities to advise and inform us of areas of organisational bias, and how to best address these areas. We also learn from our coaches, SUPERvisees and training clients every time we deliver. Our stance is that doing nothing to address inequality is supporting inequality.

BECKETT MCINROY / CoachME is uniquely positioned to address these world and work issues with the CoachME philosophy, models, tools and techniques, as well as our vast global experience across sectors.

We will remain sensitive to the trauma and time spirits inherent in addressing issues of discrimination that are unique to each country and strive to create brave and compassionate spaces to address these issues. We know that blame and shaming are not effective tools for dismantling systemic oppression and prejudice. Leaning into our collective third entity and skillful navigation of conflict is the way forward. We know people may have different experiences of oppression trauma and we will strive to meet them where they are during our interactions while simultaneously calling them forth to the emergence of a new way of being. We will sometimes fail to achieve the above standards, both individually and collectively. When we do, we are committed to recovering, learning from our failure, sharing our learning and recommitting to our efforts. Linked to the CoachME Model, we will also collectively celebrate our achievements, assess the impact of our work in our world, ensure momentum continues and enable others to know that we believe in our stance.