Our Team Coaching Certificate, providing up to 40 ICF CCEs, is for coaches who have at least 40 hours of ICF approved or accredited coach training (or equivalent).
We provide you with a solid grounding of knowledge, skills and competency experience which is practiced through an in-depth case study simulation.
Included in this programme is training and assessment on our unique TAP360 ‘Team Advance Profile’ that has been used by International Coaching Federation (ICF) Boards, LEGO Group, schools, NGOs and universities.
Indicative Content:
What is team and board coaching?
Why team coaching and why now?
What ways can team coaching readiness be measured?
What is the difference between team building, team facilitation and team coaching?
How do I partner in creating a team coaching road map
What are the proven most effective ways to contracting, commissioning, pricing and pitching team coaching
How can the impact of team coaching be measured for the team, the organisation and beyond?
How do I work effectively with the Executive Sponsor and Team Leader, as well as the Team Coaching System as a whole?
What ways can I help to create psychological safety?
What is the purpose of a Team Charter?
How can a Team Coach enable a team to connect with their purpose? Their stakeholders’ needs? Their process?
What does research say about high performing and high impact teams?
How can the CoachME Team Coaching Model and Competency Framework be effectively used in action?
Learning Modes:
Simulations live on-line
Case studies of team and board coaching with role play
Knowledge-share from our global team of Team Coaches
50+ tools and techniques for impactful face to face live on-line use including stakeholder mapping, designing an alliance
SUPERvision as a group on Team Coaching projects
Exploring learning styles and individual ‘team type’ personality profiling
Working with our TAP360 team level 360 diagnostic
Sculpting and psychodynamics
Role play
Presentations and reflective practice.
$3,250 gaining CoachME Professional Team Coach and CoachME TAP360 Professional User status
Progression Routes
Level 7 Certification in Coaching SUPERvision
Level 7 Professional Certificate in Mentor Coaching
Level 7 Team Coaching Diploma CoachME Certified Coach (87 blended learning hours with Level 6 Team Coach Certificate as a prerequisite)
Team Coaching EMCC Practitioner Level
If you complete our Certificate you may be eligible to progress onto the GTCI/WBECS PRACTITIONER level programme (upon recommendation and fulfilment of all our assessment). We are very proud to share that we are one of very few coach training programmes globally who have been granted this permission. GTCI/WBECS is created by Professor Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck.
Coaching SUPERvision
If you require one-on-one or additional group Team Coaching SUPERvision, please reach out to [email protected] or click here to register (links from shop page for group and one on one supervision) where one of our ICF Master Certified Coaches (MCC) or Professional Certified Coaches (PCC) and EMCC Senior Practitioners (SP) or Master Practitioners (MP) in Coaching, Team Coaching and Mentoring, and holders of the ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC), who are also EMCC Accredited SUPERvisors (ESIA) and leaders at Association of Coach SUPERvisors (AOCS) can support you.
Read more about CoachME SUPERvisor training programmes.
Book your space today by selecting the Option and Language you require at the top of this page.
Read more about CoachME Team Coaching here