CoachME is delighted to be delivering this professional development programme on-line live for experienced Coaches who wish to focus on, or learn and experience for the first time, the skills, knowledge and behavioural competencies required for providing impactful SUPERvision for Coaches, Leaders, Mentors and Consultants.
Postgraduate level Professional Certificate in SUPERvision
This programme is designed to take you, step-by-step, through the key SUPERvision models and the CoachME Model. You will learn personally, professionally and for the benefit of your clients – the wider system you live and work will also benefit greatly.
Join a small group of passionate professionals in this deep development experience. Grow your courage, confidence, capability, and kudos through in-depth learning and practical application through experiential, contextually based techniques, approaches, experiments and enquiries.
This programme is suitable for those embarking on credentials such as ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Master Certified Coach (MCC) as well EMCC Senior Practitioner (SP) and Master Practitioner (MP) as you experience Coaching SUPERvision from ‘the other side’ whilst also gaining advanced training and 40 ICF CCEs.
We encourage you to be a reflective practitioner from the get-go.
Together we partner to clarify what SUPERvision is and is not, topics Clients bring to SUPERvision, ways of contracting and working ethically in SUPERvision, SUPERvision as an internal and external SUPERvisor, and ways of creating a psychologically safe space for learning to take place.
This programme has been approved for 40 ICF CCEs. You will advance your own mentoring, coaching and consulting skills in a systemic way as well.
The programme is delivered over 10 modules live online over 3 months and it includes ongoing practice, reflections and reading, culminating in an assessment of your Supervision as well as group SUPERvision on SUPERvision.
This programme is for professional Coaches, Mentors, Consultants, OD and L&D leaders who have at least 60 hours of synchronous Coach/Mentoring/OD training (ICF approved, accredited or equivalent e.g. ILM).
Develop in-depth understanding of the different roles a Coach SUPERvisor may have and the specific distinction of Mentor Coaching and SUPERvision (therapy and consulting and traditional supervision and mentoring) for Credentialing.
Be able to apply ICF Core Competencies in Coaching SUPERvision.
Work confidently indicating a clear competence when organising, facilitating and ending SUPERvision sessions both on-line live and face-to-face in person.
Experience giving and receiving feedback whilst practicing the learning of the program both verbally and in writing.
Know, understand, and effectively apply the roles and responsibilities of a SUPERvisor for ICF CCE for Coaches – Professional Development purposes, as well as for restoring, resourcing, and benchmarking practice.
Creative ways to enable reflective practice online live and in person.
Confidently price, pitch, and promote internal and external SUPERvision.
Progression Route:
This programme is the foundation of the CoachME Postgraduate Level Diploma in SUPERvision when successful completion provides the designation of CoachME SUPERvisor (CMS). The Diploma is an ESQA programme through EMCC. Full details of the Diploma can be found here:
“As a CoachME Faculty Member I attended the very first delivery of this programme for my own professional development as staying at our ‘growth edge’ is part of our values. I have been supervised and yet seeing things from a different angle was an amazing experience, as was learning from and with Dr Clare our Founder, and of course, the other amazing global coaches too. I have seen this programme grow in terms of delivery modes live face-to face and synchronous on-line, content, and sophisticated assessment tools. I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to take a really deep dive into coaching SUPERvision…” Sameera Baba MCC
“This is a fabulous programme in terms of content, delivery, structure and learning. It has not only enabled me to truly understand and be able to practice Coaching SUPERvision, it has definitely improved my coaching capacity too… I highly recommend this programme… extremely engaging… fun… it’s Level 7 so it’s rigorous and substantiated by key models and research… As a returning trainee with CoachME, I knew it would be nothing less…” Dr Laurence Brown, Head of School Improvements (150+ schools), SIQA, The City School Group, Pakistan
The creator of this programme and Lead Faculty is Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy:
ICF MCC, ACTC and Registered Mentor Coach
EMCC Master Practitioner in mentoring, coaching and team coaching, and Accredited SUPERvisor (ESIA)
Certified Agile Coach.
Clare polished her SUPERvision skills at Henley Business School with some of the leading SUPERvisors, Professor Peter Hawkins, Nick Smith and Jonathan Passmore, progressing into a specialism in Team Coaching SUPERvision and Shadow Consulting where she trained with David Clutterbuck and Lise Lewis. Clare is co-Lead of Outreach and Research with Association of Coaching SUPERvisors (AOCS) and a published Author focusing on such topics as creative reflective practice. She created this programme, combining learning from multiple experiences of SUPERvision, including Team Coaching SUPERvision, One-on-one and Group SUPERvision.