Can Business Coaching help you and your people?
In short, yes! Business Coaching enables you and your people to achieve and exceed the right goals.
MetrixGlobal reported on average a $7.90 profit for every $1 spent on coaching and in a survey of Fortune 500 firms, with one firm reporting a 529% return on investment.
Business Coaching is future-focused starting where you are right now, your CoachME Business Coach will share your unique journey to where you want to be.
CoachME Business Coaching holds you as ‘ACE’ – active, capable and entire. You do not need fixing, you have the desire and you are prepared to work on yourself, who you are being, the ‘why’ behind your business and then what you and your people are ‘doing’.
Research from Manchester Incorporated on Fortune 1000 Companies engaging in coaching showed that coaching engagements lasted 6 to 12 months, 60% of Coachees were aged 40-49 and 1/3 earned over $200,000 a year with 77% reporting improved relationships with reports, 61% improved job satisfaction, 52% conflict resolution, 53% improved productivity, 32% increase in retention of executives who had coaching, 39% improved customer services, 22% improved bottom line profit.
We have co-created successful solutions globally with Entrepreneurs, Directors, Business Owners, Senior Executives and start-ups to:
Clarify competency frameworks, strategic/operational plans, vision, mission, and brand values.
Sustain, grow and diversity businesses across sectors.
Plan for transition, take then sustain action, make things happen more effectively.
Manage positive transformation, disruption, crisis and uncertainty.
Explore leadership impact, team and board strengths and development areas as well as culture/environment fit.
Communicate more effectively internally and externally with all stakeholders, valuing relationships and reciprocity for win-win solutions.