In what ways can BMC’s Business Consultants help you?
Organisational Development Programmes include:
How to Build an Effective, Positive and Productive Team
Key Principles for Being an Effective Leader and Communicator
Instructional Design, Training Delivery and TNA
Time Management and Work-Life Balance
Strategic and Operational Planning
Managing Organisational Transition /Uncertainty
Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace
Performance Management and Feed-Forward
Developing Emotional Intelligence to Build Successful Workplace Relationships
Managing Projects Large and Small
Mastering Effective Public Speaking
Business Etiquette: Gaining the Extra Edge
Conflict Resolution: Getting On in the Workplace
Effective Communication Strategies
Effective Meetings (Managing, Recording and Follow-up)
Creativity in Business (Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Negotiation and Influencing)
Key communication skills for team leaders, supervisors and middle managers
Ensuring Team Effectiveness
Business English Coaching
Managing People and Performance
How to Develop Effective Internal Communications
Networking Know How Workshop
HR for Non-HR Professionals
Business Writing That Works
Managing Transition and Employee Engagement