Performance Management Coaching Conversation Cards
Mapped to the CoachME Model, this card deck has been designed for performance management objective setting and evaluation of results. It can be used for self-reflection as well as by leaders, managers and supervisors in more formal sessions, and with whole teams. They encourage a systemic and strategic focus, linked to organisational values, yet create a fun and kinesthetic was of co-creating action and accountability measures.
These performance management coaching conversation cards have been created to support your work as a leader when working with your people. They can also be used for self-coaching for setting objectives and self-appraisal.
Research shows that powerful open, non-judgmental, non-leading questions, asked in the ‘right’ way, at the right time support a learning culture and continuous competency development.
The rationale for using the cards is to enable all performance management ongoing discussions, and more formal sessions, to link to strategy and values.
The CoachME Model and Performance Management
The cards are mapped to the CoachME Coaching Model which has a ‘results’ oriented focus. Results are both desired co-created results for a performance management conversation session, and also the medium and long term results for the individual, department or organisation. This approach encourages the linking strategic results to division results, departmental results and individual results. It is also non-cyclical – there is no start or end point. Checking-in on results should be the focus throughout.
Skills, knowledge and behaviours (or attitude – the way we do what we do) are included as discrete elements of the model so that conversations can enable us all to know where we are at, where we need to be, what ways development in these areas will positively impact performing and results, plus ways to close skills, knowledge and/or behaviour gaps.
Performance management conversations should be a balance of specific strengths, as well as development areas for the individual as a professional, as well as for the organisation, to grow. Development in its many forms through coaching, on the job training, academic programmes and so forth, should be linked to specific objectives that need achieving. They also support personal growth and succession planning.
The model and the related questions that follow, lead naturally into ways to clarify then support action and accountability. The model is not linear, you may take deep dives into certain elements, and also dance around all of the parts in other conversations. Transition planning supports managing setbacks and dependencies, celebrating the small steps and the big milestones, and asking for help to move forward when needed. This can be used effectively with the acronym SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/resonant, time bound).
The model also advocates a systemic focus, an outside-in and future-back lens. The rationale for this is that we are all living and working within systems. Our focus should be meeting the needs of our internal and wider stakeholders, ensuring their voices are heard and addressed all the way down to “What do your stakeholders need you to be coached upon today?”.
Using the Card Deck
Each question cards depicts which main part of the model it focuses upon.
You can select the most appropriate question cards in advance of a performance management conversation. This can help you to centre and focus on what you know needs to be addressed in the session. You may wish to choose a particular element of the model such as ‘action’ to dive deep into that area.
By addressing all cards, this is a way to address all elements of performance management conversations.
The cards can also be used as a team to keep desired results alive and to celebrate successes.
Enjoy playing with your card deck in the many productive and creative ways they can be utilised.