Mrs Anitawati Seman is a great mentor, with enormous patience and always willing to spend time to guide me. She always motivated me and so enabled me to accomplish my doctoral education in four years. Mrs Anitawati was always available whenever I needed to discuss coaching topics and always ready to give a coaching session before the decisive exam. This is something I will never forget.
Her support & willingness since the beginning of my introduction to coaching is proven by the completion of the self-empowerment-based weight loss program module for adolescents with obesity, as well as the formation of a program model “From Fat to Fit with Smart Program”. Through the coaching approach, it is hoped that a person can be motivated to adopt a healthy lifestyle and become empowered to maintain the health of themselves and their families.
BECKETT MCINROY CONSULTANCY (BMC) comprises of passionate, highly qualified and experienced Coaches, Trainers, Researchers, SUPERvisors, Mentor Coaches, Psychometrists, Writers and Consultants with PhDs, MBAs and Master Coaching credentials. We partner with you to understand your pressure points and strengths. Our projects involve accredited coach training provisions, one-on-one executive coaching, team and board coaching, leadership development and profiling tools. We work across sectors globally ensuring that your personal, professional and organisational requirements are met through bespoke provisions. Clients include LEGO, Citi, DHL and Saudi Aramco, to name a few. Our team travel extensively whilst residing in North America, Qatar, Canada, UK, Bahrain, France, Kenya, Germany, France, Iran, Egypt and Indonesia.
Office 21
Building 460K
Road 2315, Block 523
Saar, Kingdom of Bahrain
Kingdom of Bahrain
Phone: +973 1700 2453
Whatsapp: +973 38146775
E-mail: [email protected]