Stay Tuned! Mark Your Calendar! SUPERvision Conference on Wednesday, October 1st, 2025 - Immerse yourself in a unique experience designed to inspire reflection and development. || The BMC faculty provide ICF Levels one, two, three and CCE coach training programmes globally both face-to-face and via an interactive webinar. We also specialise in executive, leadership and organisational coaching for individuals and teams. All of our programmes are delivered in an innovative experiential style.


Diploma in SUPERvision



“SUPERvision is opening all the windows and doors, breathing in fresh air, seeing everything from different perspectives, staying grounded, and at your growth-edge…”

Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy ICF MCC, ACTC & Registered Mentor Coach, EMCC MP & ESIA

LEVEL 6 (Qualification Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

SUPERvision competencies – skills, knowledge and behaviours, delivered through experiential learning, skill drills, reflective practice, ‘guest speaker’ sessions and case studies.

This programme enables you to SUPERvise Mentors, Coaches, Team Coaches, Leaders, Consultants, OD professionals…

International Coaching Federation (ICF) confirm that successful completion of this programme enables SUPERvisors to be eligible to SUPERvise Team Coaches applying for the new ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC)*.



This fully inclusive postgraduate level SUPERvision Diploma, approved by European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) as a European SUPERvision Quality Award (ESQA), enables participants with successful completion and practice hours to apply directly for the prestigious EMCC’s European SUPERvision Individual Award (ESIA). The programme also provides you with the designation of CoachME Certified SUPERvisor.




DIPLOMA IN SUPERvision and CoachME Certified SUPERvisor designation.

If you are starting from the foundation level and working to gain the Professional Certificate and the post graduate Diploma (EMCC ESQA for ESIA) the investment is USD5,195.00 for the full package. This option includes the required SUPERvision-on-SUPERvision for credentialing purposes and European SUPERvision Quality Award with European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). Also included are a 300+ page work booklet and numerous other resources such as videos, useful links and credentialing support.


If you have already completed the Professional Certificate in SUPERvision (our Foundation Level, Part One) with CoachME (or an equivalent programme of at least 60 blended learning hours) the remaining tuition, resources, SUPERvision-on-SUPERvision investment is $3250.00. Details of the Professional Certificate in SUPERvision can be found here: https://beckett-mcinroy.com/product/certification-in-coachme-coaching-supervision/

Book Your Place Today

Contact us at [email protected] to arrange a call with Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy MCC, MP, ESIA or another member of the CoachME Faculty team of 5 Accredited SUPERvisors and 6 MCCs so that we can answer any queries.

Start dates for Part One – Professional Certificate in Systemic SUPERvision:


Monday 27th January to Monday 7th April 2025, 3.30pm to 5.30pm UK time (first session ends at 6.30pm, one Friday included)

Monday 3rd February to Monday 28th April 2025, 9.30am to 11.30am UK time (first session ends 12.30pm)

Monday 12th May to Monday 21st July 2025, 3.30pm to 5.30pm UK time (first session ends at 6.30pm, two Fridays included)

Monday 22nd September to Monday 8th December 2025, 3.30pm to 5.30pm UK time (first session ends at 6.30pm)


Start dates for Part Two – AC and EMCC Accredited Diploma in Systemic SUPERvision:



May 5th, 2025 to July 28th 2025.

October 20th 2025 to January 19th 2026




CoachME is delighted to be delivering this advanced and progressive development postgraduate level Diploma in SUPERvision providing the Certified SUPERvisor designation (upon successful completion of assessment, SUPERvision-on-SUPERvision, and 120 hours of SUPERvision) on-line live and in person for experienced professionals who wish to focus on, or learn and experience for the first time, the skills, knowledge and behavioral competencies required for providing impactful SUPERvision for Coaches, Leaders, Mentors, OD Professionals and Consultants.

SUPERvision provides a safe reflective space to think, support, explore and challenge the supervisory relational system, tools, models, theory, praxis, and field. It enables professionals to be at their edge whilst also supporting their development and wellbeing. SUPERvision opens all the windows, providing fresh air and new perspectives. 

Having already gained the highly regarded European SUPERvision Quality Award (ESQA) from European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), this diploma is one of the first programmes globally with an integrated individual coaching accreditation (ESIA) process at Senior Practitioner level.  It therefore holds one of the most sought-after SUPERvision awards.

Mapped as Level 6 on the UK qualification framework, this fully inclusive diploma provides all the required components, including SUPERvision on SUPERvision, so that graduates can:

  • Apply directly for EMCC’s European SUPERvision Individual Accreditation (ESIA). 

  • SUPERvise Coaches, Mentors, Consultants and Leaders.

  • Provide Team Coaching SUPERvision for Coaches applying for ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC).  

  • SUPERvise in group and one-on-one formats.

Working with a culturally diverse group of highly experienced certified Coaches, Mentors and SUPERvisors, who have worked internally and externally across sectors globally, you will have the opportunity to take your SUPERvision to the next level. 


This programme is designed to take you, step-by-step, through the key SUPERvision models including the CoachME SUPERvision Model. You will learn personally, professionally and for the benefit of your clients, whilst the wider system you live and work will also benefit greatly.


Join a small group of passionate professionals in this deep development experience. Grow your courage, confidence, capability, and kudos through in-depth learning and practical application through experiential, contextually based techniques, approaches, experiments and enquiries.


This programme is suitable for those embarking on credentials such as ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Master Certified Coach (MCC) as well EMCC Senior Practitioner (SP) and Master Practitioner (MP) as you experience Coaching SUPERvision from ‘the other side’ whilst also gaining advanced training and up to 40 ICF CCEs.

We encourage you to be a reflective practitioner from the get-go.

Together we partner to clarify what SUPERvision is and is not, topics Clients bring to SUPERvision, ways of contracting and working ethically in SUPERvision, SUPERvision as an internal and external SUPERvisor, and ways of creating a psychologically safe space for learning to take place.


You will work with numerous models such as the 7 Eyed Model (Hawkins and Shohet), 4 Levels of Engagement (Smith), API Model (Hawkins and Smith), 7 Coaching Conversations (Clutterbuck), 6 Categories (Heron), at an advanced level.  You will also experience ways to reflect and co-create with over 40 tools and techniques, with a specific focus on the researched CoachME SUPERvision Model, Image Cards and other resources. You will also acquire learning for personal, professional, organisational impact, for the benefit of your clients, the wider system you live and work in, as well as potentially growing the field of SUPERvision through practitioner research.


This programme has been approved 40 ICF CCEs.

The creator of this programme and Lead Faculty is Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy:

  • ICF MCC, ACTC and Registered Mentor Coach

  • EMCC Master Practitioner in mentoring, coaching and team coaching, and Accredited SUPERvisor (ESIA)

  • Certified Agile Coach.


Who is the Diploma in SUPERvision for?

  • Coaches, Consultants and Mentors with at least 100 hours of training and at least 300 hours of experience.

This programme is for professionals operating in today’s world where what has been considered as ‘normal’ ways of working has been dramatically challenged and changed; where the need for containment and resilience is amplified; where agility in complexity is required; where anxiety may have reduced our capacity to adapt and engage innovatively. You will be provided with a rich learning experience that will enable you to add value and insight to your clients, enabling them in turn to be more effective, resilient, and imaginative.

You will be provided with a rich learning experience that will enable you to add value and insight to your clients enabling them, in turn, to be more effective, resilient, and imaginative.


How is this programme delivered?

This highly practical Postgraduate Diploma in SUPERvision is delivered in an engaging, experiential style, and led on-line by CoachME ICF PCC and MCC Coaches who are Accredited, Credentialed and Certified experienced SUPERvisors – with a wealth of experience to share with you.  Working through 20 modules live online or in person usually over a 6 month period, this in-depth programme includes ongoing practice, reflections and reading, culminating in an assessment of your SUPERvision, SUPERvision-on-SUPERvision, and reflective assignments.   

You will learn through:

  • Knowledge-share

  • Trigger tape reflections

  • Case studies

  • Sample videos

  • Live SUPERvision demonstrations

  • Peer SUPERvision

  • Quizzes

  • Online tech activities

  • Visiting speakers

  • Skill drills…

We use an interactive learning management system where all materials including video demonstrations, reading list, work booklets and reflections from the learning community are stored securely. 



Key objectives:


This extensive and detailed program focuses on the skills, knowledge and behavioural competencies required for providing impactful SUPERvision.  It provides a step-by-step guide to the key SUPERvision models as well as the CoachME Model which is extremely beneficial for one-to-one and group SUPERvision. Designed to support Coaches in their role, the advanced content of this diploma will further develop your own coaching as well as your SUPERvision skills.

  • Explore how to deliver SUPERvision to Coaches, Team Coaches, Consultants, Mentors and OD professionals considering both the internal dynamics, external stakeholders, and the wider system

  • Understand individual and group SUPERvision needs when working with new or experienced coaches as well as internal and external SUPERvision

  • Use 50+ tools, SUPERvision models and creative developmental resources 

  • Examine strategies which support coaches, team coaches and coach mentors to improve their performance 

  • Design authentic ways to contract and work ethically as an internal or external SUPERvisor

  • Explore how SUPERvision can be beneficial to build and develop an organisation’s internal coaching capability

  • Utilise practical interventions to use with your clients and gain confidence to engage with supervision projects

  • Improve your self-awareness of authority, presence, and impact as well as building confidence when organising, facilitating, and closing SUPERvision sessions both live on-line and in person

  • Understand the distinctions between SUPERvision compared to other developmental tools

  • Work with the ICF Core Competencies and Team Coaching Competencies for Team Coaching SUPERvision

  • Experience giving and receiving feedback both verbally and in writing 

  • Explore market norms for pricing, pitching, and promoting internal and external SUPERvision

  • Gain understanding of the importance of ‘Self as Instrument’ as a SUPERvisor 

  • Learn techniques for navigating difference as well as managing conflict, difficult conversations, and other common challenges. 



CoachME SUPERvision Philosophy


We enable new and experienced SUPERvisors to develop their skills, knowledge and behavioural competencies aligned to best practice. Together we focus on relational systemic dynamics blending a range of approaches including appreciative inquiry, positive psychology and Gestalt with theory and research. We ensure that identity, socio-cultural and other nuances are reflected upon through a range of tools, techniques, and models for SUPERvision in person and online live. We create experiences that allow for embracing technological and creative approaches. We aim to positively impact the field in partnership, whilst challenging and supporting SUPERvisors. We advocate ‘reverie’ in the Bionic sense including opportunities for letting go, working with not knowing and dreaming. 



About the CoachME Founder and SUPERvision Diploma Creator 

Dr. Clare Beckett-McInroy EdD, MCC, ESIA, MP, ACTC



CoachME founder and instructional designer, Dr Clare is an experienced ICF MCC, ACTC and Registered Mentor Coach, EMCC Master Practitioner and Accredited SUPERvisor (ESIA).  She is presently co-leading Research and Outreach with Association of Coaching SUPERvisors (AoCS), a role that supports her staying abreast of trends in the field. She is a Certified Agile Coach having honed her Coaching SUPERvision skills at Henley Business School (University of Reading), Transcend, David Clutterbuck Partnership and Bluesky International and with some of the leading SUPERvisors, Professor Peter Hawkins, Nick Smith, Hilary Lines, Jonathan Passmore, Craig McKinsey and Lise Lewis. She created this programme, mapped to the CoachME SUPERvision Model, combining learning from multiple experiences of SUPERvision, including Team Coaching SUPERvision, One-on-one, Group SUPERvision and Shadow Consulting. Clare is a SUPERvisor for Henley Business School clients, is an Associate of Renewal Associates and a Team Coaching SUPERvisor for Team Coaches in training with Global Team Coaching Institute with World Business and Education Coaching Summit (GTCI/WBECS). Clare has published over 50 articles and 5 books, one of which ‘Creative Reflective Practice’ is now a required reader on numerous post graduate coaching and SUPERvision programmes. BECKETT MCINROY / CoachME partner with Heriot Watt University providing SUPERvision for their students and supports not-for-profits with complementary SUPERvision and Systemic Team Coaching.