Stay Tuned! Mark Your Calendar! SUPERvision Conference on Wednesday, October 1st, 2025 - Immerse yourself in a unique experience designed to inspire reflection and development. || The BMC faculty provide ICF Levels one, two, three and CCE coach training programmes globally both face-to-face and via an interactive webinar. We also specialise in executive, leadership and organisational coaching for individuals and teams. All of our programmes are delivered in an innovative experiential style.


ImagineME Card Deck with PictureME, MetaME and CoachME


Welcome to the universe of InspireME!

Cost is plus postage and packing.


Download Sample ImagineME Cards



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✅ Reflect…
✅ Realign…
✅ Recreate…
✅ Resource…
✅ Retrospect…
✅ Revolutionise…


This innovative card deck comprises of 3 specific elements – PictureME, MetaME and CoachME. It has over 70 cards to enables individuals, teams, and groups to tap into creativity and curiosity, deepen discovery, purposefully reflect, and deliver results. The numerous activities that are possible with the different elements of the cards, inspire those ‘at play’ to engage in impactful courageous dialogue, empowering ‘self’ and others, and promoting positive transformation.


The cards are mapped to the CoachME Model, which is results oriented, and uniquely supports transition planning which uncovers milestones, setbacks, and dependencies. The deck has been designed for use with individuals, as well as to support the work of Consultants, Therapists, Teachers, L&D, OD, and Coaching professionals. It helps to facilitate thinking cognitively, emotionally, and somatically. Experiences are uncovered through working with metaphors, connections, and parallel processes.


The cards and activities are mapped to the CoachME Model and International Coach Federation (ICF), European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and Association for Coaching International (AoC) Coaching, Team Coaching, Business Coaching and SUPERvision Competencies.


By sharing perspectives on topics such as strategy, innovation, processes, and even life purpose, ‘out of the box’ solutions work to impact performance and impact. Research shows the deck provides an opportunity for the users to connect deeper with themselves, whilst also tapping into systemic awareness such as the needs of their stakeholders, and the emerging future.


Three specific elements


The picture cards ‘PictureME’ provide stunning photographic images that create experiences (thoughts, feelings, insight through ahaa moments…) as they deepen awareness, and support the formulation of specific, measurable, resonant results, through ‘can-do’ actions.


The random word cards ‘MetaME’ are thought-provoking and can be used on their own or with the picture cards, or questions. Meta means, among other things ‘more comprehensive’, and as a prefix ‘at a level above’ and so the cards create deeper and wider perspective as well as advancement of thinking.


The question cards ‘CoachME’ can be used on their own, with the pictures and with the random words. There are also ways to increase sophistication by using all elements of this deck together!



Experience Tracks


Our experience tracks, which provide training on the tool, are created at different levels ‘SensingME’, Diving Deep’, ‘Generating’, ‘InCorporating’ and ‘Train the Leader’ have different focuses on application of this powerful tool, enable you as a facilitator of learning to provide frameworks for users to work within. We enable you to discover ways to support psychological safety, so that users can work at their best.





The application and play opportunities of this product are numerous as the resource is applicable to all topics, across contexts, both online and face-to-face live.


We have used the deck to enable grounding and focus, for building bridges and reducing silos, values clarification, to foster diversity, reducing costs, and even to choose the win-win-win family holiday!


This accessible and versatile tool works for team building, coaching discovery sessions, in executive meetings, careers work, with the agile methodology, for life coaching, with teens, and always with a systemic element. It promotes deep listening beyond words, compassion, and generative thinking where wholes become so much more than parts as ideas are combined and truths are uncovered.


We provide you with suggested dynamic ‘how-to’ instructions to empower and inspire effective sessions ranging from 20 minutes to whole retreats!