Stay Tuned! Mark Your Calendar! SUPERvision Conference on Wednesday, October 1st, 2025 - Immerse yourself in a unique experience designed to inspire reflection and development. || The BMC faculty provide ICF Levels one, two, three and CCE coach training programmes globally both face-to-face and via an interactive webinar. We also specialise in executive, leadership and organisational coaching for individuals and teams. All of our programmes are delivered in an innovative experiential style.


CoachME Coaching Cards & Floor Mat Combo


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CoachME coaching cards are packed with questions for everyday use in an array of coaching situations including career, business, life, executive, health and team coaching. They enable Coachees to address issues such as work-life balance, career aspirations, emotional well-being, business strategy and growth, relationships and decision-making. They help you to get the most out of your future and fully enable your potential by identifying what you really want and ways to achieve it. You can use them on your own, with your Coach or when coaching as a way of starting more meaningful conversations with your teams, partner, friends or children.

You can use questions from the different facets of the CoachME model, dive into random questions, which we find Coachees love, or structure coaching around what the Coachee feels they need to focus on by ‘playing with’ all the facets of the model. CoachME Coaching Cards are a unique companion on your coaching journey. This published and researched model, is proven to achieve results. The model is activated through the cards, which provide an easily accessible way of using the CoachME coaching model as a framework for success. With icons and each of the facets being colour-coded for easy reference, each card has its own question.

Feedback confirms that having the questions on cards means no more need to have books and notes; the cards free you to enjoy and experience questioning and the powerful tool that coaching is. Witness real, positive reaction to the questions and see Coachees experiencing clarity of intention and impact, realisation of beliefs and values as well as life purposes. So versatile and portable, this tool fits easily into your pocket, handbag or briefcase. The cards include a clear explanation and justification for this effective model, supported by global sales in Fortune 500s, schools and government offices. Thousands of people are benefiting from developing their coaching skills with CoachME.

The CoachME Floor Mat enables you to work kinesthetically with the CoachME model and your coachees, teams and boards. You can literally step into RESULTS to connect with what you really want whilst playing with different perspectives on the journey you should take.